Video blogosphere: socio-psychological aspect

  • Абросимова Евгения Евгеньевна

    E. E. Abrosimova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Малахова Варвара Романовна

    V. R. Malakhova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The development of the information society interprets changes in all spheres of life. This actualizes the study of a person in an information society, in accordance with the sociopsychological trends of the new reality. The growing interest of adolescent schoolchildren
to the personality of a vlogger, to the disclosure of his personal life, which seems to be a general trend in society, is described. The role of the self-concept as a psychological phenomenon in the video blogosphere is revealed. The broadcast self-concept of the vlogger is the core of the video blog and the subject of attention of viewers and subscribers represented by teenage schoolchildren. The theoretical approaches to the definition and formation of the self-concept of personality are described. This article presents the results of an empirical study among modern children and adolescents. It is this demographic group that is the main consumer of media products and, as a result, the most strikingly personal changes The research was carried out using sociological tools. As a method of collecting empirical data, a questionnaire survey using a Google form was chosen. This survey method allowed to solve the problem of collecting empirical data – the availability of respondents. Based on the empirical data obtained, the authors conclude that the self-concept is a modern psychological trend in society. The article provides
data on the popularity and rapid development of the video blogging sphere among children and adolescents, which confirms the hypothesis put forward in the work. The results of empirical and theoretical analysis allowed the authors to conclude that the formation of a modern personality occurs in conditions of individualization of all social and personal processes. Life "online", namely the video blogsphere, broadcasts interest
in the individual, and the self-concept is the main vector of development of modern children and adolescents.
Keywords: video blogosphere, student, children, adolescents, internet, social networks, selfconcept.